Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Wrapping up the semester

It's been a very hectic week here as I wrap up the semester. I gave my final exam in lecture yesterday, and spent most of last night and this morning grading the 270+ pages of answers, but I'm happy to say that I've finished grading it. My cortisol levels probably dropped by half after marking the last exam this morning. If you ever have colleagues tell you that it's impossible to give short answer tests in large lectures (say ~180 students to start, ~135 left), I hereby vouch that it's possible. Granted, only 30% of the final exam was short answer, but hey, it's better than nothing.

I've also had to get all my knowledge check and participation grades added up, as well as finishing grading all my student papers. The participation grading has been frustrating as it looks the program didn't receive ~10% of the responses from most students; I'll write a much more detailed post on that once I have time. The worst time suck has been the plagiarism reporting. In the last few days I've had to confront each suspected plagiarizer and file official reports with the dean. A back of the envelope calculation showed that yesterday I spent at least 7 hours working on filing plagiarism reports, and I'm still barely half done (7 filed, 5 to go).

This wouldn't be so stressful if I didn't have to leave early Friday morning (1 am) to attend a friend's wedding out of town, so I need to finish everything by tomorrow night. Add to all of this that the car we're driving to the wedding is currently in for repairs, and we've got a busy week.

I apologize for the lack of thoughtful posts; hopefully I'll be able to write more of those after the wedding.

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