Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Teaching links - reading a meniscus

Every now and then I come across a website that has some tidbit of information, or an image, that is just right for a lecture or lab I'm working on. Often this information isn't anything earth-shattering, and thus I don't post it. However, since the information is useful, I think I'm going to change my policies and start posting links to this type of information. The posts won't be long, and probably won't be exciting, but hopefully will be useful to others 'in the trenches.'

Today I'll start the series with a link to Wikipedia's meniscus page; it's got a great (GNU FDL licensed) figure that shows how to read menisci. It's useful for those first-day-of-lab lectures on how to use graduated cylinders1.

1 Hey, I told you it wouldn't be exciting.

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