Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A course on Linux

Linux Journal has an article on a Linux class being run by a couple of professors at Transylvania University. The article talks about how the professors planned the course (and ran a similar course last year), and includes a discussion of various textbooks, the goals of the course, the course outline, methods of assessment, and in-class activities the students will perform. As a side note, the course is being run with RedHat Fedora, not my currently installed flavor of Debian.

The class has been running through the month of May, and the article links to the class website (username guest1; password guest42), where you can currently access the course assignments, including this one:
"Introduction to Linux Administration
Lab 2 - chkconfig

Due Date: Wednesday, May 4th
Points : 25

1.Using chkconfig, determine which processes are currently active on your system.
2.For each service, write a small paragraph describing the purpose of the process.
3.Determine which processes you feel are necessary if you are going to use Linux as an ordinary desktop machine. Write a paragraph detailing why you do (or do not) decide that you need a certain process. In other words, give a good justification to your answer.
4.For the purpose of this assignment, do not concern yourself with the xinet.d srevices.
5.Your report must be written using Open Office. You will need to e-mail your report to me by noon on Wednesday.
6.You are to work with your lab partner. (I.e., the other person in your row.)

I might even do that assignment, even if I will be turning it in late.

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