Monday, December 25, 2006

A Ruby Christmas tree

For those of you who program in Ruby, Ruby Inside has posted this cute Christmas code snippet (as a part of their 2006 Ruby advent calendar):
print "#{def r(x);rand(x);end; C = "\033["}2J#{C}0;0f#{C}32m"; w=r(20).to_i+13
h=w-r(10).to_i; h.times { |line| puts " " * ((w / 2) - (line / 2)) +
(1..line+1).collect { r(rand(12)) == 0 ? "#{C+'5m' if % 2 == 0}#{C}#{r(7) +
31}m*#{C}0m#{C}32m":'='}.join}; print "#{C}33m"; 3.times{ puts (("x" * (w / 6)
).center(w)) }; puts "#{C}0m\n", "Merry Christmas From Ruby Inside!"
Run that in a terminal a few times to enjoy.

Oh, and if you don't already have Ruby installed, this code snippet is most certainly not worth installing Ruby to run.

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