Monday, November 28, 2005

One more step closer to tenure

Along with grading 4.9 pounds of papers this weekend, I also finished completing my tenure review form (a self-evaluation). This is the final major task I have to complete this year for my tenure review; after my committee reviews this form and their other evaluations of me, we'll have a final meeting and the committee will come to a decision regarding whether they want to keep me on next year. If they do, then come next August I'll officially have tenure, assuming the district is still employing me.

In the past few weeks I've had in-class evaluations done by all four of my tenure committee members. During these visits each member of the committee comes and sits in on a full lecture or lab; in prior years these caused me great stress, and I'd often write whole new lectures (or create many new slides) just for the evaluation. Nothing like that happened this semester: two of the evaluations occurred with functionally no notice, and I was so busy before the other two that I couldn't stress out much or do anything new.

My final tenure review meeting should be held in the next few weeks - everyone's sending me positive signals, so I'm not overly worried, but it will be nice to have it done with.

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