Monday, May 29, 2006


I've left a few threads hanging over the course of the semester, and want to wrap them up before too much time passes. So, without further ado:
  • I haven't heard a word about the NSF grant I submitted, and don't expect to until September.
  • Due to administrative policies that I do not comprehend, my online course proposal was tabled by a committee until September. Assuming the proposal is approved in September, I should still be able to teach it in fall 2007 (as was originally planned).
  • Back in March I was excited by a proposal that, if funded, might have allowed me to dedicate a large chunk of time to some research projects I've been trying to get started. The proposal was funded, but for less than 50% of what we'd requested, removing the possibility of release time for research. So, I won't be doing any field research this coming fall.
  • The administration also made it clear that they would not give me any release time if I was to continue as department chair in the fall; while I enjoyed certain aspects of the position, I decided a few months ago that I wasn't going to do the job unless I was given the release time to do it right. Thus, I am no longer department chair.
And, on a more personal note:
  • These caterpillars have still not eclosed; the lazy buggers are just sitting as pupae in a cage in my lab.
  • I've definitely found a new hobby in playing German-style board games.
  • Our bathroom remodel is still in progress, though (thanks to the work of a concrete contractor) our bathroom floor has now been leveled and prepared for tiling. One of our primary goals this summer is to get at least one (and hopefully two) of our bathrooms finished. (yes, you can laugh uproariously now)
  • The replacement of our backyard fence was successfully completed (and the block wall has been standing for a few months now). Yes, that's right ... we actually completed a remodeling project (thanks largely to hiring qualified people and doing none of the work ourselves).

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